Custom CreatePublishingPageDialog in SharePoint? No problem!

Let’s imagine that we have multiple types of articles with multiple page layouts and we want to call Add a page dialog for each of them.

The problem is in SharePoint OOTB CreatePublishingPageDialog.aspx page which is called when you choose Add a page from Site Actions menu. Read the rest

Office 365 PowerShell – Part 3

In the previous article, we took a look at how we can use PowerShell to connect to Skype for Business Online. In this article, we will continue with connecting and managing other services in the Microsoft cloud. Namely, we will be talking about Exchange Online. Read the rest

Office 365 PowerShell – Part 2

In the previous article of this series, I described how to prepare our environment with all the necessary software needed to connect to Office 365. We installed the following software:

  • Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant
  • Azure Active Directory Connect
  • Azure Active Directory PowerShell

After successfully installing, we connected to the cloud services using the following command:

Connect-MsolService -Credential (Get-Credential)

After that, we ran a few more commands to confirm that the PowerShell commands are being ran and executed. Read the rest