Office UI Fabric Persona with Skype for Business Status Integration

Today I want to show you a simple SPFx Web Part solution to connect the new Office UI Fabric React component named Persona with the status from Skype for Business (Lync).

Persona is used for rendering an individual’s avatar, user information and presence. Read the rest

Office 365 PowerShell – Part 2

In the previous article of this series, I described how to prepare our environment with all the necessary software needed to connect to Office 365. We installed the following software:

  • Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant
  • Azure Active Directory Connect
  • Azure Active Directory PowerShell

After successfully installing, we connected to the cloud services using the following command:

Connect-MsolService -Credential (Get-Credential)

After that, we ran a few more commands to confirm that the PowerShell commands are being ran and executed. Read the rest